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What To Do If You're Waiting On God For Something Better

The truth is, most of us are waiting on God for something. And sometimes it can be hard. But even though it can be hard, I believe that's when we have to come to grips with the biblical reality that nothing is too hard for God. He is faithful and He is at work.

So let Him work it out. Let Him prepare His best for you. Let Him work out your life's circumstances - He's very good at it.

As human in a fast-moving world, when we don’t see things moving right away or the way that we'd like, we can sometimes feel like we're just wasting our time. Maybe even thinking, "Nothing is working. It’s just not happening for me."

However, I’ve learned over the years to continue to trust God. That's when I have to believe that my waiting is not wasted. He's just working things out to match His perfect plan.

God never fails His own. 
Therefore, I want to encourage you to continue praying while you wait. Don't get bitter while you wait. Grow personally while you wait. Train while you wait. Let God mature you while you wait. Prepare yourself while you wait. Love others while you wait.

Most importantly, believe God no matter how long you have to wait - for His perfect timing - and you will be glad you did.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

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