"My Wife Torments Me, I'm Scared Of My Life" - Vice President
Zimbabwean VP, Kembo Campbell Mohadi, has cried out for help over the torture he receives from his wife, Tambudzani Bhugadi.
The Vice President accused his estranged wife of sending threatening messages to him after he filed for divorce.
The divorce proceedings started in 2017, reports iHarare.
Mohadi approached a civil court in Harare seeking a protection order against her. He told the court, “I am a law-abiding citizen and given the increasing incidences of people who are killing their spouses for passion, I pray that this honourable court protects me against the threatened violence.
“I have approached this honourable court seeking a protection order against the respondent in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, in that the respondent is a very abusive person and/or a person of a violent disposition such that I am now living in fear of my life.
The VP claims that his estranged wife started behaving violently towards him after she was served a copy of the divorce summons.
“The respondent has escalated her violent tendencies against my person [Mohadi] and even calling me on my mobile phone while insulting me and threatening to tarnish my image, which has the potential to damage my political endeavours in view of my political office and as a member of the government,” Mohadi said in a matter set to be heard on Friday.
His estranged wife is said to have started selling off their matrimonial property before the finalisation of the divorce matter in order to tamper the ends of justice.
Mohadi also claimed that his wife has gone to the extent of turning their four children against him.
culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog
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