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I sold pure water and puff to fund my music - Solidstar | Mr Olumide's Blog

Singer Solidstar, has revealed one of the things in his early music days to ensure he never stops making music.

Speaking with Sunday Scoop, the father of one revealed that he onced hawked pure watera nd puff to keep making music.

In his words:
“It wasn’t really easy for me at the beginning. I had to do a lot of things just to make it. There was a time I was hawking sachet water and pastry (puff puff), and it was the money I made from that ‘business’ that I used to pay for my first studio session. But through all the struggles, I never gave up because I knew I had a bright future ahead of me. I’m not there yet, but I thank God that my efforts are starting to pay off,” he said.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

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