Meet the world's sexiest female soldier | Mr Olumide's Blog
At first glance, you would mistake the stunning Teralyn Price for a model.However, the gorgeous curly-haired beauty is in the U.S Army.
She loves to pose in swimsuits and sexy dresses in her spare time.When she is not in her army uniform,she rocks her nose and lip rings.
You can't deny,if there is a list for the world's most beautiful or sexiest female soldier, she would make the cut.
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Photo credit- teralyn_price /IG
She loves to pose in swimsuits and sexy dresses in her spare time.When she is not in her army uniform,she rocks her nose and lip rings.
You can't deny,if there is a list for the world's most beautiful or sexiest female soldier, she would make the cut.
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Photo credit- teralyn_price /IG
culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog
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