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See how this young man just wasted his life over revenge | Mr Olumide's Blog

A Brooklyn gang member will spend the rest of his life behind bars for shooting four people — including a pregnant woman, whose baby died — in retaliation for the death of his friend.

Marquise Fredericks, 21, was sentenced on Wednesday to 25 years in prison for each victim,totaling 100 years.

With your conduct alone, you have sworn your life away,” the judge said before sentencing him to 25 years in prison for each victim — totalling 100 years behind bars

Devin Callahan, Special-Caijae Houston, Destiny Jones and Jemini Mitchell trampled over each other as they tried to escape the gunfire on Dwight St. in Red Hook,Ny Times reports

Houston, 21, was five months pregnant and lost her baby when three of the five bullets hit her, piercing her womb.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

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