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Tamara Ecclestone defends her choice to continue to breastfeed 3 year old daughter | Mr Olumide's Blog

Socialite,Tamara Ecclestone, 32, has revealed she still breastfeeds her only three year old daughter, because she is not prepared to ‘battle’ with her.

In an interview with Hello!, the daughter of Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone,said she still feeds her daughter in the morning, once or twice during the day, and at bedtime.
She said

I never want to battle, to feel I’ve taken something away from her, so when she decides she is done, it will be the end of that era. You know your child and you have to do what works for you as a family. I ignore the occasional nasty comment as I have so many nice messages from other mums,” says Tamara.

Source: MPNB

Mr Olumide's Blog

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