The incident happened at Umudim village in Umuchu town, Aguata Local government, according to Police sources at SCIID in Awka, which led to arrest of Chinasa.
It was gathered that Chinasa's husband, Paullinus married her some years ago and they had six children despite the fact that her husband had mental challenge.
The petition, PM Express reports, stated that Chinasa tortured the old woman to die to no avail.
She allegedly injected the battery acid in the beans which she presented to her mother in-law which she ate. She became sick and was taken to a hospital where she eventually became paralyzed.
According to the petition, Chinasa accused her of not dying after her age-mates have died which was a burden to her as she's taking care of the woman because of her old age.
However. Chinasa denied the allegation despite the fact that, three of the larger Okoronkwo family members namely Dominic Enemuo, Victor Enemuo and Linus Okoronkwo confirmed she did so in the petition.
However, the embattled Chinasa denied the allegation and told the police that it was a gang-up to throw her away from her matrimonial home.
She said she was the one taken care of the aged woman and her husband's relations are in abroad and she had not complained to anybody that it was a burden to her.
The incident has become an issue in the community, some say the allegation might be true, others think it could be a way to send her out because her husband was not normal to protect her.
Police sources say Chinasa will be prosecuted if found culpable for the alleged offence.
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