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Five Mistakes In Dating Russian Girls

If you want to master the art of seduction, you must know various ways of acquaintance. Sometimes we don't know what to do in a given situation and, therefore, make mistakes without even realizing it. Even the experienced playboys keep learning.

The process of dating is continuous training. Mistakes are made by every person. And when it comes to women, men usually make a lot of mistakes. No one can be lucky in 100% of cases. Every man has a lot of failed trials but they prefer to keep quiet about those. Some people hide not only their embarrassment but the offence and even fear.

Let us consider the five mistakes that are usually made by men. For someone, it will be unpleasant because you will probably remember at least one of them, but it's for the best.

1. Using tricks for hiding your poor communicative skills 
A true man doesn't try to get a girl drunk, using the chance to get her attention. He never hopes only for his appearance to deserve the girl's affections. He doesn't tell fairy tales to make her interested. The tricks can lead only to disappointment. An experienced man respects women while tricks are a sign of disrespect. It's clear to everybody.

2. The firm believe that women want the same things as men 
It's one of the biggest mistakes that man can make and one of the most frequent. Ask any guy who considers himself competent. He will answer that the majority of women are attracted by his actions and talks. It's not true in most cases. The concept of attraction is simple. Some women are likely attracted by your money and/or big muscles. But at the same time, not every woman needs a rich man. Most right-thinking women are interested in the partner's personality. There is no single successful approach. Some methods are more effective than others, but there isn't a universal one. You must always be able to suit the situation.

3. "Dig too deep" at the first dating 
Regardless of the reasons, the last way to make an impression is to start telling about your family history, philosophize or to play (more exactly to overacting) the sensitive and fragile person. It's not a good idea to open your soul and hidden thoughts in the first date. Control yourself, making only ordinary compliments and simply communicate. The best option is a cheerful and spirited conversation.

4. Overacting 
Men usually try to create an artificial connection with a girl. It means, they accept everything that she says. Besides she chooses topic by herself and as a result, you give compliments to her various interests and never tell about your own judgments. It's one of the most widespread mistakes. If you date a Russian woman, try to be yourself. A woman usually chooses the man who knows what he really is and isn't afraid to show this.

5. Using friends 
If you ask your friend to prepare the basis for acquaintance with the chosen girl or to create the general impression about you for you, you make a great mistake. It shows that you haven't enough courage to do this yourself. Even the best friend will not save you when the girl will guess about his real intents. It's unoriginal and also unproductive.

Say no to bad habits. We always try to celebrate our success loudly but don't tell about our fails at every step. We keep it a secret. Even if it maintains public perception, you can't hide from mistakes anywhere. Try to impress girl independently, because she deserves your respect.

Having known these mistakes, you can resist it more effectively. And if you completely eradicate them, having changed your behaviour, you will be surprised by the positive changes in relationships with women.

Source >> MeetWife

Mr Olumide's Blog

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